
Peers 2.0: Peer Education for Democratic Citizenship is a study session taking place over eight days (excluding travel days) in partnership with the Youth Department of the Council of Europe. This high-level training for peer educators will bring together 25 experienced young educators to explore non-formal education, socialist education and human rights education, and equip them with the competences, tools and confidence to progress and enhance their journeys as educators. The study session aims to build a community of peer educators in socialist education and will be a platform for launching the IFM-SEI pool of socialist educators. Applicants are open to IFM-SEI members and other youth-led organisations in Europe.

When?           22 February – 3 March 2019 (inc. travel days)

Where?          European Youth Centre Budapest, Hungary

Who?              16-30 year olds from Council of Europe member states

Theme           Training for peer educators/trainers, socialist education

Aim and objectives


Train 25 young educators in non-formal education with a focus on democratic citizenship in order for them to be actively engaged and potentially become part of the future pool of trainers of IFM-SEI


Acquaint participants with theory and practice on education for democratic citizenship and non-formal-, peer-, socialist- and human rights education.

Equip participants with the competences, tools and resources to guide their own pathway as educators

Build a community of peer educators in the field of socialist education

Familiarise participants with the work of the Council of Europe and the Youth Department

Provide space and support for participants' follow-up projects in their own realities

Participant profile

Prospective applicants should be/have:

● An active member of a youth-led organisation

● Experience as a peer educator, trainer or facilitator on a local, national, European and/or international level

● Aged 16 to 30 years old – participants aged 16 and 17 must provide parental/guardian consent and attend with another participant who will take legal responsibility them (including during travel)

● Work regularly as an a educator with children and/or young people to ensure roll out of learning

● Motivation and commitment to work on a follow-up project following the study session to share the outcomes and follow-up projects with other indivdiauls and groups

● Able to work confidently in English

● Able to attend the whole study session in its entirety including prepartory or follow-up tasks and commitments


IFM-SEI aims to include people of all genders in the study session and will aim for a balance of different genders. Participants will be selected based on their application questions and the selection team will also ensure there is a geographical and organisational balance in the participants.

Specific priority will be given to:

● Applicants are at risk of marginalisation with regards to race, ethnicity, geographical background and/or religion, young migrants and refugees, and young people of colour

● Applicants aged 25 and under

The specific needs of a participant will not be part of the selection criteria. We encourage applicants to be honest and open about their access needs for the study session so we can best accommodate every person and ensure the right support structures are in place from as early as possible.

Programme outline


There will be a 50€ participation fee per person. This covers travel (most economic route), visa, insurance, accommodation, subsistence and programme costs. Accommodation and meals are arranged by the organisers. We do not want money to be a barrier to participation, therefore we would ask for you to speak to the organisers if the participation fee will be prohibitive to your participation.

Application process

In order to apply to join the study session, you must:

● Submit a video (maximum two minutes) explaining your motivation and interest to attend Peers 2.0 by email to contact@ifm-sei.org

● Complete the online e-form (follow link) which includes the following questions:

☉What are your expectations for the study session? (500 characters)

☉What is your motivation to participate in the study session? (1000 characters)

☉What relevant experience do bring as an educator? What non-formal education activities have you delivered? (1000 characters)

☉What training courses/programmes have you participated in that would be relevant to this study session? (1000 characters)

☉Name three things you would be able to contribute to the study session. (500 characters)

☉What do you think are you strengths and weaknesses as an educator? (1000 characters)

☉What would your potential follow-up plans for after the study session and how would you foresee implementing them? (1000 characters)

Both the form and video must be submitted together. The video can be recorded on a mobile telphone device; professional video editing is not expected or required. 

References for applicants will be sought from their sending/member organisations. You must not book any travel until you have received confirmation that you have been accepted onto the study session. 


If you have any questions or queries please email send an email to contact@ifm-sei.org

This study session is taking place with the generous support of the Council of Europe's Youth Department.


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