Peers 2.0: Peer Education for Democratic Citizenship is an eight-day study session in partnership with the Youth Department of the Council of Europe. 25 young people from across Europe will come together to become peer eduators and trainers in democratic citizenship. This activity will estbalish and launch the IFM-SEI Pool of Peer Educators and Trainers and develop quality standards in non-formal education for IFM-SEI. The project will include compulsory e-learning modules before and after the study session. The project is generously supported by the Youth Department of the Council of Europe.


When: 22 February - 3 March 2019

Where: European Youth Centre Budapest, Hungary

Who: Prospective peer educators aged 16-30 from Council of Europe member states

Theme: Training for Trainers, non-formal education

Cost: 50€ participation fee, 100% travel costs reimbursed

Aim and objectives

Aim: promote democratic citizenship on a local, national and international level by creating a European-wide network of highly competent and skilled young peer educators and trainers


1. Empower, train and support 25 young people to become peer educators and trainers in the field of democratic citizenship

2. Provide a space for young trainers to discover, share and analyse different approaches, policy and tools in peer education and training with a focus on Council of Europe's work

3. Establish in IFM-SEI Pool of Peer Educators and Trainers that can deliver training and education on democratic citizenship on a local, national and international level

4. Develop quality standards in non-formal education for IFM-SEI and its member organisations


1. Pool of Peer Educators and Trainers

Create a global network of young peer educators and trainers to deliver educational activities and training for IFM-SEI and its member organisations to promote active citizenship, roll out the IFM-SEI quality standards in non-formal education and follow progressions in education policy in the youth sector.

2. Quality standards in non-formal education

Develop a paper/policy for IFM-SEI of quality standards in non-formal education, which will be rolled out across the movement.

3. Localised training projects on democratic citizenship

The participants will develop their own independently-run peer education or training projects with children and/or young people, which promote democratic citizenship, to be delivered in their home contexts, putting what they've learnt into action.

Want to get involved?

Participants will be required to have prior experience as a trainer or peer educator on a local or national level. International education or training experience is desirable. Participants will be selected based on their motivation, experience and how they plan to follow-up on their work after the seminar. Geographical, organisational and gender balance will be considered in the selection process.

The call for participants will be launched by December 2018 and will be publicised on the IFM-SEI website and social media channels. Keep your eyes peeled for more information!


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