Not happy about the sex education you or your peers have received? Do you feel that different bodies and identities aren’t reflected well enough in our sex education? Do you want to explore how normativity and society influences our sex education experience? Do you want to change the sex education young people receive? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, then apply to one of our parallel seminars on gender, sexuality, bodies, body positivity and progressive sex education as part of our Let’s Talk About Sex project!

European Youth Foundation (EYF) and Counsil of Europe (CoE)

When?            20-27 May 2018

Where?          Kinderfreunde Falkencamp Döbriach, 9873 Austria

Who?              16-30 year olds from Council of Europe member states

Theme            Gender, sexuality, bodies, body positivity, progressive sex education

Deadline        Wednesday 18 April 2018 (23:59 CET)

Over a week, 40 young people will come together in two parallel seminars as part of our Let's Talk About Sex project. The seminars will take place at the idyllic Falkencamp Döbriach in southern Austria. Participants will take part one of two seminars that will use non-formal, participatory methodologies to explore the topics through workshops, discussions, simulations and expert inputs.

Each seminar will be open to 20 participants from IFM-SEI and other partner and sister organisations. Applicants can only apply for one of the seminars, therefore you must decide which one to apply for before applying. As an output, participants will come up with activities that will be trialled at Participation Island, an international camp taking place in Hanko, Finland in July. The project is generously funded by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe.

Seminar I: Me as a Sexual Being (beginner level)

The aim of this seminar is to explore sex education in relation to the participants’ own experiences of their identity, bodies, gender and sexuality and analyse how society shapes these identities. This will be a beginner level seminar where participants will reflect on their own experiences with sex education and their own identities in terms of gender, sex and bodies. This seminar will involve a lot of personal reflection, exploration of your own identities and sharing of experiences.

The participants will engage in a dynamic and inclusive non-formal education programme, looking at the topics of identities and how they are constructed, bodies, body positivity, sex versus gender, our perceptions of sex and a critical look at sex education. Other topics covered include the theory of gender and sexuality, discrimination, the impact of media and pornography, sex - getting what you want and need, sexual rights as human rights and identifying good practices for sex education.


1. Reflect on identities and how they are constructed, the effect of media and pornography on these identities, how we perceive ourselves as sexual beings and body positivity

2. Explore how heteronormative and cisnormative culture affects the way we identify and express our sexual identities

3. Critically analyse the current state of sex education, reflect on the needs of marginalised young people regarding sexual education and sexual health, and create tools to better work on sex education with young people

Seminar II: Us as Sexual Beings (advanced level)

The aim of this seminar is to explore sex and sex education in relation to patriarchy, societal hierarchies and systemic oppression and come up with tools and activities to create inclusive sex education guidance and activities. This will be an advanced level seminar where participants will reflect on sex education and inclusion from a structural based approach and with a reflection on oppression and discrimination. Participants will focus particularly on marginalised identities and how they are excluded or erased in mainstream sex education.

Participants will think about how marginalised identities are discriminated against, reflecting on sexual identities and expression in relation to pornography, the mainstream media, culture and religion. The participants will encounter challenging topics such as disability and ableism, critical sex positivity and sex work, as well as coming up with guidance and activities for progressive sex education from an intersectional approach.


1. Analyse how marginalised identities are excluded in existing sex education programmes and the systemic reasons behind this

2. Reflect on how sexual identities, expression, expectations and norms are influenced by the media, pornography, peer pressure, culture and religion from a capitalist critique

3. Facilitate a dialogue on critical sex positivity, pornography, power in relationships and sex work

4. Critically analyse the current state of sex education and create tools to better work on sex and relationship education with children and young people from an intersectional approach

Participant profile

75% of the places will be allocated to IFM-SEI members and 25% to non-IFM-SEI members. Priority will be given to participants who self-define as trans*, inter*, asexual, disabled or a refugee/migrant. The IFM-SEI women’s quota will be enacted therefore no more than 50% of the participants can be men.

  • - Be aged 16 to 30 years old with priority given to participants aged 16-24
  • - Be a resident in a Council of Europe member state
  • - Be active in a youth-led organisation
  • - Be able to attend the all of the seminar and adhere to the deadlines given
  • - Have the motivation to take back the learning to your home organisations and/or communities

 Specific criteria: Seminar I: Me as a Sexual Being

You do not need to have any prior experience on the topic to apply for this seminar.

  • - Have a basic working level of English
  • - Have an openness to engage in a self-reflection process on the topics

Specific criteria: Seminar II: Us as Sexual Beings

  • - Have at least an intermediate working level of English
  • - Have prior experience on the topics of gender, sexuality and/or sex education


Accommodation, subsistence, programme and visa costs (if applicable) costs are covered by the project thanks to the generous funding of the Council of Europe European Youth Foundation. Travel costs will be reimbursed up to a fixed price and on the proviso that the most economical route is booked.

There is a participation fee per person based on country of origin, which will be required to be paid in cash on the activity:

  • - Western and Northern Europe – 60€
  • - Eastern Europe and Balkans - 40€
  • - Belarus and Southern Caucuses – 20€

There is a cancellation fee of 200€ for participants that withdraw after 30 April 2018.

Travel arrangements

Participants will be required to book their own travel by 30 April 2018. Travel reimbursement requests will be processed after the seminar providing all requested documents are submitted to the IFM-SEI secretariat within 30 days of the seminar close. Travel reimbursements will be arranged by bank transfer. There will be reference prices for all participants, which is the price travel will be reimbursed (this should cover the most economical travel costs from origin to destination).


You must book your own travel insurance and you will be required to bring evidence of this to submit upon registration. Please note that insurance costs cannot be reimbursed by IFM-SEI. It is particularly important to have this in case you cannot travel due to a medical or family emergency, in order for you to claim back any travel costs. We would encourage you to book your travel insurance at the same time as you book your travel.


Austria is part of the Schengen zone therefore Schengen rules apply. If you require a visa you will receive a visa invitation letter once your place on the seminar has been confirmed. Information for the visa invitation letter will be requested in the registration form so it’s important you give us your accurate information.

Participants must apply for their visa or request an appointment with the embassy/consulate within five days of receiving their visa invitation letter. For any participants who cancel due to visa reasons: IFM-SEI will require proof of the visa application request or submission, proving that it was requested within five days of receiving the visa invitation letter, otherwise they will be charged the cancellation fee.

Application process

We encourage participants to share any access needs access needs that will facilitate their active participation in the seminars – access needs will not be considered as a criterion in the selection process and will not negatively affect your application.

 You can apply for the seminars by completing the appropriate forms using the links below:

The member organisations of successful applicants will be contacted to ensure they can support the participants’ involvement in the study session and follow up work. All applicants will be contacted within one week of the deadline with the outcome of their application.

Deadline for applications: Wednesday 18 April 2018 (23:59 CET).

If you have any questions please us on

Download the PDF call for the LTAS parallel seminars here


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