We are very pleased to welcome Ajyal to our socialist educational family as a candidate member of IFM-SEI, after the International Committee 2017 approved their membership application. Ajyal youth movement was established by Arab young leaders who believe in educational change for the Arab society who lives in Israel. The movement was established on 2006 and has 18 branches the branches across Israel.

Firas from Ajyal presenting their organisation at IC2017

We are also celebrating the membership upgrades of three candidate organisations to full members. Falcons of Belarus have joined us,  which is one of the only social democratic youth movements in Belarus. United with the ideas of freedom, equality, solidarity and social justice they use non-formal education and political actions to change the political situation in Belarus. Our hosts of the IC 2017, the Slovenian Falcons is a newly-founded organisation based on the principles of solidarity and friendship, children’s rights, internationalism and broader ideas of democratic socialism; gender equality, the establishment of sustainable peace, environmental protection, equality of nations on an international scale and the fight against racism and anti-Semitism. The final organisation to be upgraded is Youth Organisation for Behaviour Change (YOBEC), Liberia, which is a movement dedicated to creating a better future through education, advocacy, youth empowerment, and peace-building in Liberia. Its activities include advocacy for children’s rights against child labour and child sexual exploitation.

Celebrating the membership upgrade of Slovenian Falcons at IC2017

Sadly we had to say goodbye to ADICR (Iran), ASYOUSED (Cameroon) and OGCEYOD (Cameroon) as members, however we hope we can continue to work together in the future.

We extend our welcome to all of our new and upgraded members – looking forward to seeing you at IFM-SEI activities in the near future!


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