Today we are celebrating the First of May, also called international labour day. This holiday and day of protests was chosen to be International Workers’ Day to commemorate and further promote the demands of the 1886 Haymarket affair in Chicago for an eight-hour workday.

Until now it is known as the day of labour, socialist, communist, social democratic, and the left movements to raise visibility for worker’s rights with the power of international solidarity.

Why IFM-SEI is celebrating international Labour day?

  • We believe in a world, where everyone has the resources, they need to ensure a high quality of life. Consequently, access to safe, sustainable and valuable work is essential.
  • We are convinced that with a reduction of working hours, labour could be better distributed, unemployment rates would decrease, and people would have more time for themselves and their loved ones.

Currently, we face around a 214.21 million unemployed people (projected number) worldwide. This number increased since 2019 about 15%. Even though the numbers are projected to decrease it is now important to focus on the implementation of valuable and safe working conditions worldwide for everyone. There are still huge gaps when it comes to equal opportunity in the job market. Equality is something, which is still not achieved and needs continuously be fought for.

This is why IFM-SEI promotes that,

  • All children have got rights, also in crisis
  • Secure working environment for all genders, races, disabilities, sexual orientations, religions
  • The right to work including a safe and regular income, always
  • Reduction of working hours with an equal amount of salary
  • Distribution of work and thus decrease of unemployment
  • Equal treatment for all workers and stop workers exploitation
  • International Solidarity!

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